First I’ll start out by saying I’ve checked through what I could but didn’t see any specific information helpful to this case. I have a newly adopted (got him on May 1) Shiba Inu/Jindo mix dog (1.5 yrs old). He was very shy at first when we got him but has quickly warmed up to me and now will happily great me whenever he sees me and will play/or cuddle when he wants to. He only does this with me and no matter how nice my wife is to him unless I am in the room he will avoid her and has let out a few little growls. I say little as he does not show teeth and his body language is more as if he is concerned and not as though he means to be aggressive. We are trying to figure out what is causing him to be so wary of her but I cannot figure it out. Any helpful advice would be appreciated! I really want him to love her too. He is otherwise a very good dog. Thank you!
Edit: Thanks everyone for all the additional insight! Seems like general consensus is to have my wife be the “fun parent” and try to take the reigns on the food/walks etc. I will try to back off for a while (gonna be hard) since I’m very overly affectionate with him. I’m asking her to try and put her frustration on a shelf and try to be as loving as possible to him regardless of how he acts to her but to not push any boundaries and let him come to her only. We will be taking some training courses with a pro to help correct our own behaviors and to help him feel more comfortable with her and others. Really hoping things come around but we’re willing to give it everything we’ve got.